Tuesday 10 May 2011

The Techhology Gap...

When I was a little girl, I used to write. A lot.

I would sit down at my Mum's old typewriter, bashing and clattering away at the keys for hours on end, producing all manner of screenplays - most notably 'Ken and Mabel in the Kitchen.', short stories, poems and lurid tales, usually with my brother or friends in starring roles - with horrible fates befalling them, naturally. Correction fluid and carbon paper were my friends, and preservation was a must - I still have some of those crumpled old manuscripts and bits of paper.  There was no 'just printing off another copy'.

Now, in 2011, I have a whole set of shiny new tools, most of which have a little 'apple' symbol on the front, but I still prefer to write by hand, albeit in Moleskine notebooks rather than ink blobbed school jotters with torn corners and declarations of 'Helen loves Simon forever. IDT INTDT' scribbled on the front.  I write from the back of the notebook to the front - the front of the  books is for character planning and plotting only. Oh, and random items that I have to remember to pick up from the Supermarket. I have resigned myself to the fact that I will always have to type up my own notes - who else in the world would put up with copying from a back to front notebook?

So, for the first time in, ooh, a very long time, ever, actually, I have taken the brave step of some time out (and by that I mean I DO NOT HAVE A PAID JOB AT ALL) of my proper grown up profession of Project Management (AKA 'Bossing People About') to work on my writing, and Lo! I do not wish to work alone, and so I have procured the finest of modern writers tools - a blog.  A proper one.  For writing, and being followed by writerly folk.  And you are reading it right now. Fancy that eh? And this is my very first, rather hurried thanks to the school run, post!

I hope that you enjoy reading my modern shiny posts - share them with your friends.  Share them with strangers.  Follow me.  Make me feel popular... I might even share 'Ken and Mabel in the Kitchen' with you.  What a treat that would be!

Oh - and in case you are wondering - the photo is of my actual typewriter.  It's up in my writing gallery.  I type on the laptop but I kind of like it there, clattery keys and all.


  1. Actually, writing IS about bossing people about all day - it's just that the people you boss around are you! (At least you always win the argument though - well I do, when I have an argument with myself!)

  2. Hello H, pleased you chose blogspot, I can now follow you

  3. Fantastico :) Your a lovely lady who always makes me smile, I say so on Twitter! Although, I promise you I'll never impersonate a 12 year old again! Hahahaha
    Good luck my friend! :)


  4. Hurrah! Get yourself on Network Blogs too.. because that will automatically update Twitter and Facebook for you!

    Great first blog. I'm sorry I didn't realise you'd done this last night, otherwise would have 'followed' you then.
